Schedule a 1:1 with NINDS Program Staff

This year, the NINDS Nonprofit Forum will offer the opportunity to meet briefly with NINDS program staff for one-on-one conversations.  Learn more about NINDS efforts in your areas of interest whether participating in person or virtually.

The deadline to register for 1:1 with staff is July 20th at 5:00 PM EST.

We are pleased to share the list of registrants for this year’s forum here.

Meet in person

NINDS program staff will be available in person at the Natcher Convention center on both mornings of the conference 9-10am on July 24th and July 25th.  See who is available to meet and sign up here.

Meet virtually – (only available for virtual attendees)

NINDS program directors will be available on Zoom at the close of the conference 2pm-5pm ET July 25th.  See who is available to meet and sign up here.